
Full stack development Career After BE/BTech


The world of web development has become a big market. You can find many companies and individuals who are into this field. There are different types of jobs available in these companies, and you can choose any one that you like according to your skills and experience. Web developers take up various responsibilities such as designing websites; writing code; managing servers; building databases etc., which makes them very important role players in the business world today

Web Development

Web development involves building websites and web applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other web-based languages. You can also use frameworks like AngularJS, ReactJS, VueJS and NodeJS to build modern web apps.

Web developers create high quality user interfaces on the client side by creating HTML pages that contain content such as text boxes for users to enter data into or buttons for them to click on (or press). Then they use JavaScript code written in a programming language called JavaScript which runs inside your browser (Internet Explorer 9+). This code allows you control over how your website looks when it's being viewed by browsers such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox; it makes possible things like animations where text changes color based on user input etc..

Mobile App Development

Mobile App Development is the process of developing mobile apps for mobile devices. Mobile app development is a combination of software engineering and design. A mobile app can be developed using any programming language like Swift, Java, C++ etc., depending on your choice or requirement.

Mobile apps are used as an interface between users and their devices such as smartphones or tablets to perform certain tasks related to their daily life like booking tickets online or making payments while travelling by train/bus etc.,

The most common types include:

Single Page Applications (SPA) - this type of app has only one page where all content is displayed at once on the screen so there's less scrolling required when using them; however these tend not be very responsive due to how simple they are designed compared with other types mentioned above because there's only one page involved instead being able to load multiple pages if needed without needing additional coding knowledge required; also it tends not work well across different platforms since browsers don't support HTML5 natively yet which means those who don't know anything about programming won't be able use these types either...

Game Development

Game development is a challenging field. You need to be creative and have a good understanding of game design, art, and programming. There are many different types of games that you can make such as mobile games, social network games like clash royale ( Clash Royale ), multiplayer online battle arena ( Dota 2 ) or real-time strategy ( Heroes of Newerth ). The most important thing is that you should understand how each component works together so that your game will be more fun for players!

If you are a beginner, it is a good idea to start with mobile games. You can make simple 2D games or 3D games using Unity.

Scripting Languages

You can also choose to learn a scripting language. The most popular languages on the market are PHP, Python and Ruby.

PHP is a server-side programming language that was developed by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994. It's used to create dynamic websites with little or no code because it's easy to use and extend modules written in PHP to add functionality to your site.

Python is an object-oriented programming language created by Guido Van Rossum in 1991 at the National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science (NRI). It has become very popular among web developers due its simplicity and performance compared to other languages such as Java or C#/.NET Framework which makes it ideal for rapid prototyping of applications before moving onto production stage

Desktop Applications

Desktop applications are programs that run on the desktop, operating system. Desktop applications are more common than web apps, but they still have many benefits over web applications.

Desktop applications include Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop and iTunes for example. These types of applications usually require installation on one computer because they aren't designed to work in the cloud or through mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. The user needs a physical device with sufficient processing power (a personal computer or laptop) to run these programs properly so there is no need for special software or even an internet connection; everything runs locally on your own machine!

Choose the one that you like and keep learning everyday.

Once you are done with your degree, it is time to choose the one that you like and keep learning everyday. You can start with a simple language like HTML or Python, then move on to another language if you feel comfortable with them. Learning new languages by reading documentation, online tutorials and blogs is also a good option because if they are not easy enough for you then practice makes perfect!

Exercise: Build small projects in different technologies such as javascript, python etc., so that when we talk about “the full stack developer” in our interview process (which will happen soon after graduation), there would be some experience under their belt already!


And that’s it! If you have any questions please leave them in the comments section below.

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