
NID BDes Papers

NID BDes Papers

The NID BDes Papers are the final exam in the Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) course and they take place after the first semester of your first year. The papers are written by all first year BDS students and are graded by senior lecturers and tutors.

Paper 1:

Paper 1 is an objective type paper consisting of two parts. It consists of 100 questions, each with four options out of which one is correct (Total 200). The time duration for this examination is 2 hours and the marks allocated to it are 150.

NID BDes Papers

NID BDes Papers

The BDes programme consists of four papers:

Paper 1 (Written Test) - This paper will be conducted in two parts, which are the written test and a choice-based design task. The written test will have multiple choice questions on topics such as design process, understanding client needs and expectations, creative thinking etc. The duration for this section is 2 hours 30 minutes.

Paper 2 (Combined Choice & Written Test) - In this section, you will have to answer questions related to your own personal statement followed by a choice-based design task based on one of three options provided by NID."

Paper 2:

In Paper 2, you will be required to design a product that meets the requirements of your client. The client may be an individual or organization and will have specific needs for their product. You should research the market for similar products and identify trends in their design, coloration and features. You will then be expected to create a prototype based on what you have learned from this research before presenting your final design concept at the end of semester presentation day (April 26).


Key takeaways from this article:

The BDes program at NID is highly competitive and requires a very high GPA to get in.

The admissions committee looks for students who have demonstrated their commitment to design through personal projects, extracurricular activities, and volunteer work.

You should apply early if you can afford it because the application deadline is January 31st!


NID BDes Papers are a great way to prepare for the NID and BDes exams. These papers contain all the concepts that you need to know about, and they will help you study for your exams in an efficient manner.

How to Get NID BDes Papers

The National Institute of Design is a premier design college in India. It offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses in architecture, interior design and product design. The NID BDes (Bachelor of Design) degree program has been awarded the highest rating of three stars by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), which means it will provide a high quality education for students pursuing their studies there.


To download the NID BDes syllabus, click here.

You can also download the NID BDes sample paper here.

To download the NID BDes model question papers, click here.

If you're looking for previous year question papers and solutions, click here


To get the papers, you will have to pay a fee of Rs. 5,000 for each paper that you have to appear in. The prerequisites for applying are that you must have passed 10+2 with at least 60% marks and secured at least 70% in your class 12th Result while appearing in an entrance exam conducted by Nauni Educational Society BDes.

Link For NID BDes Papers PDF -

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