
Database Administrator Career After MCA


Database administration is one of the most sought after career options in the IT industry. It is a job that requires you to manage and maintain databases, ensuring that they are well-designed, secure, scalable and available. You will also be responsible for implementing new features on existing databases as per business requirements. In this article we will discuss some basic concepts of database administration and then move on to SQL Server which is one of the most popular database management systems used today.

Introduction to Database Concept

A database is a collection of related data. The word “database” comes from the Latin word “datum”, which means “given or offered”. A database is a collection of data that has been organized in such a way that it can be used to assist with retrieval, analysis and manipulation (or modification) of the data within.

The first use of databases was made by IBM in 1959 when they created their System/360 family which consisted of several different models including System/360 Model 1 which was used primarily for scientific applications like weather forecasting etc., while others were used exclusively for business purposes like sales records tracking etc..

Para: What is a Database?

A database is a collection of data. The word "database" comes from the Latin word for book, and it refers to any type of information that can be stored and retrieved by code.

A record is also known as an entity or row in relational databases. It's just another way to describe how many rows are stored in each table (or column).

Each record contains fields that represent different pieces of information about each entity, such as name and age for an employee based on their education level and job title respectively

Para: Purpose of a Database

A Database is a collection of data. It contains information that can be stored in a computer system, such as tables and fields. The main purpose of databases is to store large amounts of data quickly so that users can retrieve it quickly when they need it.

A database consists of three main parts:

A schema which describes how the database will look when it's created (i.e., tables, columns and rows).

Metadata about how to make queries on this schema (i.e., for example: SELECT * FROM person WHERE age > 18). This metadata includes the names of columns in each table along with their types (integer/string). This metadata also includes information about relationships between tables such as whether or not there are foreign key constraints between two tables; if these exist then it indicates where foreign keys exist within each table

Data Structures

Data structures are used to store data, information about the data and how it is stored. The most common structure is a database which stores information in tables. Other types of databases include:

File systems - These are used for files with specific attributes like location or size. For example, when you save a file on your computer, this is done using a file system like Windows Explorer or Mac Finder (or whatever operating system you use).

Database - A database consists of multiple tables with columns that hold values from each row in each table so that they can be easily accessed later on by name or by number depending on what type of column it has been assigned with (such as ID number).

Database Models

The relational model is a database management system (DBMS) that allows you to store data in rows and columns. The network model is also called a hierarchical or flat file database because it appears as one giant file with no branching structure. In this type of database, tables are connected by relationships between them; they're like branches on a tree instead of individual leaves on branches.

The object-oriented model uses objects rather than tables—each object represents an entity such as an employee or customer, while the attributes describe the characteristics of each entity such as name and address information for employees or products sold by customers respectively.

The entity relationship model describes how entities relate with each other through their relationships rather than through their attributes (which may not be known at design time). For example: if you want to create a relationship between two tables where one table contains information about customers' orders placed online while another contains details about their purchase history then there will be three possible kinds: one way ("one-to-many"), many ways ("many-to-many")and unidirectional relations (also known as bidirectional).

Introduction to SQL

SQL is a language for accessing and manipulating data in relational database management systems (RDBMS). It was first proposed by IBM in 1974, and has been revised several times since then.

SQL stands for structured query language, but not all languages that use this acronym are actually supported by all RDBMSs which means you'll need to make sure that your current or future employer supports it before applying there if they don't already offer some version of SQL as part of their standard operating procedures.

Database Design and Normalization Concepts

Normalization is the process of organizing data into tables that are similar, but not identical. Each table will contain all columns from all other tables in your database. The goal of this process is to use as few indices as possible.

Denormalization refers to creating new columns for specific types of information (e.g., phone numbers) and then using those additional columns instead of repeating that information in multiple places throughout your systems architecture and database design process

Database Administration

Database Administration is the process of managing and maintaining the database environment. In this role, Database Administrators (DBAs) are responsible for ensuring that their organization's databases are secure and reliable. They also keep track of changes to existing databases, so they know what changes have been made or proposed in order to ensure that there are no conflicts with other systems. The DBA will work closely with developers on building new features into existing applications as well as migrating them from one platform/database format to another where necessary

SQL Server

SQL Server is a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Microsoft. It was first released on November 7, 1988 with version 1.0 of the language SQL, which conformed to ANSI standard X3.234-1978. This release included support for transactions and tablespaces, but lacked support for stored procedures and views that were added in later versions of the language.[1]

In its current form, Microsoft SQL Server is an object-relational database management system that allows users to access data in multiple ways including: text files, XML documents (XML databases), XML queries or XPaths using C# code embedded within Visual Studio .NET applications; Microsoft LINQ which uses C# code embedded within Visual Studio .NET applications; OData REST API web services which use ASP.NET MVC4 Web Forms templates; Entity Framework 6+ Entity Objects which can be accessed through Code First approach or Database First approach where you create your entity classes first then write your model classes afterwards based on those entities


If you are looking for a career that requires a lot of hard work and dedication, then Database Administrator is the perfect job for you. You will have to have good understanding of database concepts and communication skills in order to succeed in this field. You should also have good knowledge about SQL Server as well as other software tools that are used by DBAs like Oracle or SQLite.

A database administrator is responsible for maintaining databases containing data such as customer records, product catalogs and inventory levels etc., while ensuring they remain up-to-date at all times (i.e., no errors).


Database administrators are a critical part of any organization. They’re responsible for keeping the data that’s important to the business safe and secure, so it can be used by everyone in the company. Database administrators have a variety of jobs depending on what kind of organization they work for, but their main goal is always the same: to keep everything running smoothly so that we can get back to work and make money!

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