
Sports Doctor Careers After MBBS

Sports Doctor Careers After MBBS


There are many career options after medical school. If you want to become a sports doctor, take a look at these six different areas of expertise:

Sports Medicine

Sports medicine is a branch of medicine that deals with injuries and other physical conditions relating to sports and fitness. Sports medicine can include the diagnosis and treatment of sports-related injuries, as well as prevention through exercise, education and rehabilitation.


Orthopedics is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders affecting the musculoskeletal system. Orthopedic surgeons are doctors who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal problems.

An orthopedic surgeon has specialist knowledge about bone structures, muscles, ligaments, tendons, cartilage or joints (synovium), nerves and blood vessels that supply these structures with nutrients from sources such as bone marrow (osteopetrosis). They also have expertise in treating injuries to bones or joints caused by diseases such as arthritis or Paget's disease which affects bones around the elbow joint area.


Neurosurgeons are board-certified surgeons who specialize in the surgical treatment of diseases or injuries of the nervous system, including brain tumors and spinal cord injuries. The work of a neurosurgeon can include performing surgery on an infant with hydrocephalus (water on top of the brain), removing a brain tumor from someone with epilepsy and treating patients who have experienced strokes or head trauma.

The average salary for U.S.-based neurosurgeons was $321,000 in 2016 according to Glassdoor's analysis of thousands of job listings posted by companies like Health Care Service Corp., MedStar Health and Geisinger Health Plan Inc.; however this varies widely depending on geographic location as well as specialty area such as: surgery vs radiation therapy vs pain management etc.. There are also many different types within neurosurgery such as spine surgery; brain tumor removal; carotid artery stenosis repair; pituitary gland disorders such as acromegaly/metastatic pituitary tumors etc...

Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is a surgical specialty in which the surgeon performs procedures to repair or reconstruct defects of form and function.

Plastic surgeons perform surgery to repair birth defects and injuries, as well as to reconstructive surgery.


Cardiology is the study of the heart. Cardiologists are doctors who treat heart problems and can specialize in different areas, such as cardiac surgery or interventional cardiology.

As a cardiologist, you'll be working in hospitals or clinics with other health care professionals to treat patients with heart conditions such as coronary artery disease (CAD), high blood pressure, arrhythmias and valvular disease among others. Cardiovascular disease affects more than 18 million Americans each year according to research from the American Heart Association; this number increases every year because of lifestyle choices like smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol excessively which leads to plaque build up on artery walls over time causing blockages that narrow arteries which can lead to stroke if left untreated

Sports Physical Therapy

Physical therapists are health professionals who work with athletes to improve their performance and recovery from injuries. Physical therapists help athletes recover from injuries, prevent them from occurring in the first place and work on their fitness levels. Physical therapists can be found in hospitals or clinics providing services that range from minor treatment to full-body rehabilitation.

Equipment Manager/Assistant

Equipment managers and assistants are responsible for maintaining equipment and supplies for a sports team. They may also be responsible for scheduling practices, coordinating equipment repair, and tracking costs related to the use of these items.

As an equipment manager or assistant in a sports team, you'll work with coaches and other team members to ensure that all players have adequate gear on hand during games. You'll also be expected to keep track of any damage done by players' equipment as well as take care of maintenance issues such as replacing broken cleats or repairing torn uniforms after games.

The salary range listed below reflects typical salaries earned by entry-level employees who hold this position; however there are some variations depending on where you live (for example: New York City has higher living costs than many other places).

Sports doctor careers are many.

The field of sports medicine is very broad, and there are many different specialties within it. In addition to being able to specialize in one area or several areas, you can also choose a career that allows you to work with patients from all different backgrounds and levels of experience.

For example, if you're interested in working with athletes who are new at the sport they're trying out for the first time—or even if they've been playing since they were kids—you might want to consider becoming a physical therapist (PT). PTs work with athletes who have suffered an injury or other health problem that prevents them from playing at their full potential; this means that PTs need some training themselves before starting practice as well as having knowledge about anatomy so they can understand better how much pressure certain muscles can withstand without causing damage themselves during physical activity such as running on flat ground or jumping over hurdles (which may take place indoors).

Another option would be becoming certified through American Heart Association (AHA) certification programs offered across various states throughout America where these exams take place regularly each year around March/April timeframe depending upon which region it falls within their calendar year."

Sports doctor careers are varied, and there are many different career paths that you can follow. This article is just one example of how you can start your career as a sports doctor.

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