
ICAR Exams Previous Question Paper.


The Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR) is one of the top and most respected institutions in India as far as agricultural research is concerned. It conducts various exams every year to select employees for various departments in the organization like Agricultural Engineers, Agronomists, Soil Scientists and many more. Since these exams are tough and the number of aspirants who appear for them are a lot, you will have to strategize your preparation very well. There are many things that you should do at the right time to succeed in your exam

ICAR is the Indian Council for Agricultural Research, this is one of the top and most respected institutions in India as far as agricultural research is concerned.

It has been around since 1946 and has grown to become a global leader in agricultural research, education and extension services.

ICAR conducts various programs throughout India through its various institutes such as Central Institute for Cotton Research (CCIRC), National Cereals Research Institute (NCRI), Central Rice Research Institute (CRRI) etc., so you can expect to see some familiar names on these exams like NCRI or CRRI on your test paper!

ICAR conducts various exams every year to select employees for various departments in the organization like Agricultural Engineers, Agronomists, Soil Scientists and many more.

These exams are conducted by ICAR as per the requirements of their respective jobs. In this article we will discuss some of these tests and also give you an idea on how to prepare yourself for it.

Some of these exams are the Agricultural Engineering Services Exam, Agricultural Technology Exam and many more. The Agricultural Engineering Services Exam is conducted by ICAR every year to recruit candidates for various jobs in their department like Assistant Engineer in Horticulture, Assistant Engineer (Soil Survey), Junior Accountant, etc. This exam consists of two papers: Paper 1 is related to General Knowledge, Agriculture and Environment; while Paper 2 focuses on Maths and Aptitude.

Since these exams are tough and the number of aspirants who appear for them are a lot, you will have to strategize your preparation very well. There are many things that you should do at the right time to succeed in your exam. Here are some solutions that can help you pass ICAR exams easily:

Study hard! It is important to study hard because if the subjects are not understood well then it would be difficult for you to answer questions related with those subjects during the exam. When studying for ICAR Exams, make sure that your focus is on understanding each topic thoroughly before moving on to other topics and then starting again from where you stopped earlier (in case of multiple choice section). This way, when it comes time for answering questions related with any particular topic/subjects during actual test session itself - there will not be any confusion regarding which topic was covered earlier or not covered earlier etc...

Take mock tests as many times as possible. There are many websites which provide free mock test papers and other study material including question papers etc which can be used for practice purposes.

Mock tests are a good way to practice. You can take mock tests as many times as possible. There are many websites which provide free mock test papers and other study material including question papers etc which can be used for practice purposes.

Mock Test Papers are available in various formats like PDF, MS Word etc depending on the grade of your examination or course you need to learn it from a particular source so that you will be able to have an idea about what is going on inside your head when you come across a similar situation in real life situations during exams or interviews etc

You should make sure that you prepare for each subject separately so that if there is any subject on which you are not confident about then you can revise it properly before appearing in the actual exam. This way it will become easier to clear the exam without any worries because you will know exactly what areas need improvement in order to pass it easily without any trouble at all.

If your objective is to score good grades in ICAAR exams then preparation is very important but don't try too hard because this may cause stress and anxiety which can affect your performance during exams itself.

So, make sure that everything is ready before appearing for ICAAR online test series by following these steps:

Make sure that you go through every paper pattern once before appearing for the final exam because this will help you prepare better with confidence knowing exactly how long each question paper would take so that you do not feel stressed out in any way during the actual exam day at all!

The best thing about these ICAR practice papers is that they are free and available online. You can access them on various portals such as or where they provide all details regarding their availability, syllabus and other related information related to them so that students like yourself can easily understand what is expected of them during their exams at university level or college level etcetera..


ICAR Exams are one of the toughest exams to appear in and most people who attempt them end up getting disappointed. But don't worry, there are many solutions available for you to pass these exams easily! You can do mock tests as many times as possible and make sure that each subject is studied separately so that if there is any subject on which you are not confident about then it will become easier for you to revise properly before appearing in the actual exam day at all..

Here is previous year question papers:-

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