
CMA Intermediate Question Papers

The Most Common Mistakes Made During the CMA Intermediate Exam

The CMA Intermediate Exam is a complex test that requires you to put in a lot of studying, practice and preparation. This can be intimidating and stressful for many people, but it doesn't have to be! In this blog post we'll go over some of the most common mistakes that candidates make during their attempts at the intermediate exam so you can avoid them!

Not Knowing the Exam

It is important to know the format of the exam. This can be a difficult thing to do, as there are no comprehensive guides available on how to prepare for it. There are some general guidelines that can help you prepare:

The most common mistake made by candidates is not knowing how many questions are on each section of their exam. They may also not know what types of questions they will encounter during each section or when these types of questions were last asked. In addition, some candidates do not understand how much time should be spent studying prior to taking an intermediate level CMA exam and therefore end up rushing through their preparation process without fully understanding what skills they need or even where those skills exist within their body of knowledge

Failure to Read the Directions

The most common mistake made during the CMA intermediate exam is failing to read the directions. This can be a problem because you don't know what to expect and how much time you have allotted for each section of your exam. You also may not know what is allowed or not allowed in terms of equipment, material and technology used during an assessment center. For example, if you're given a laptop computer but don't know how to use it properly, then this could affect your score negatively.

It's important that candidates understand what an assessment center expects from them before they walk into one so they can prepare themselves accordingly by reading through all questions thoroughly beforehand instead of rushing through them without giving them much thought at all!

Not Studying All Topics

This is a common mistake that many CMA candidates make. You need to study all topics on the exam and not just one or two topics. If you don’t do so, then your score will suffer because you won't be able to answer questions regarding those topics in a short amount of time. If it's possible for us to finish our exams within 1 minute or 2 minutes, then we know exactly how long it takes us to get through an entire subject matter which includes formulas and concepts from different subjects like accounting, finance and marketing etc..

Not Reading Enough Past Exams

The best way to prepare for the CMA Intermediate Exam is by studying past exams. Past exams are available online, and you can use them as a reference when preparing for your exam. You can learn from your mistakes and improve on your technique, which will help you pass the CMA Intermediate Exam with flying colors!

Not Utilizing Practice Questions

Practice questions are the best way to prepare for the exam. They can be found at the CMA website, YouTube and other locations online. If you want to use them as a study aid, there are plenty of books on Amazon that have practice questions at the end of each chapter in addition to comprehensive answers and explanations.

There are also apps available that provide access to real-time practice questions that simulate what you would see on your computer screen when taking an actual CMA exam (although these tend not to be very accurate).

Not Attending Review Classes

If you're not attending review classes, it's time to get moving. Review classes are a great way to get help from others and understand the content better. They can also help with studying for the exam and test taking skills.

If you've already taken an intermediate-level certification exam, such as Certified Public Accountant or CPA Exam Prep Classroom Training (CE), then attending one of our review classes may not be necessary—but it wouldn't hurt!

Be sure to study everything you can about the exam and put in the time for studying and practicing.

Be sure to study everything you can about the exam and put in the time for studying and practicing. Read the directions carefully, read past exams, take practice tests—and then keep reviewing! Attend review classes at your school or online if there are any available in your area. The more experience you have with this type of test, the better off you'll be when it comes time for CMA Intermediate Exam day.


Remember, the CMA is not a test that you can study for and then pass. You must practice and prepare yourself well before exam day. If you are going to take this exam, make sure you know what it's all about!

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