
Entrepreneurship Career After BE/BTech


Hello everyone, this video is about the various careers and jobs after BE/BTech other than Software. There could be a lot of reasons for a BE/BTech aspirant not to go for software development career. If you are not interested in coding, programming or development but still want to work in Tech Industry then there are so many options available I have already made videos on some of these topics while others will be covered in coming days Anyways, I hope this video would help you understand the options that you have after graduating as a Bachelors in Computer Science

Hello everyone, this video is about the various careers and jobs after BE/BTech other than Software.

Hello everyone, this video is about the various careers and jobs after BE/BTech other than Software. There could be a lot of reasons for a BE/BTech aspirant not to go for software development career.

There are many industries that require good knowledge in computer science or information technology but they don't have any special requirement on your engineering degree. This means you can also work as an IT manager or head of IT department without having any engineering degree or diploma/diploma certificate in Computer Science/Information Technology (CS/IT).

You can also find jobs like project manager, quality engineer and more if you have good communication skills and commitment towards your job because this field involves working with clients on daily basis who might not be comfortable talking face-to-face but with whom we need to communicate via phone calls & emails etc., so it's important that we get along well with them before starting off work together

There could be a lot of reasons for a BE/BTech aspirant not to go for software development career.

There could be a lot of reasons for a BE/BTech aspirant not to go for software development career. Some of them are:

You might not be interested in coding. If this is the case, then it is better to choose a different career path as coding will not help you get ahead in your life.

You might not be able to code yourself because of lack of aptitude or skillset required by the industry and hence, cannot make good use out of software application knowledge acquired during BE/BTech coursework days!

Some people prefer working on design projects rather than writing codes from scratch every day which requires constant learning process till they reach proficiency level where they can create robust applications with ease!

If you are not interested in coding, programming or development but still want to work in Tech Industry then there are so many options available

If you are not interested in coding, programming or development but still want to work in Tech Industry then there are so many options available.

Software Testing: This is a job where you need to test software applications and websites for bugs and errors. You can also use your testing skills as a freelancer by working with clients on their projects or even develop your own software for others.

Software Development: The main job of a developer is developing new features for existing applications using various languages like Java, Python etc., which make up the product codebase (the source code). Other roles include architecting solutions based on requirements from clients/customers; designing databases that store data used within an application; creating reports showing usage trends over time; maintaining servers that process requests made by users through web browsers on desktops/laptops connected via wired connections at home offices located anywhere around world due primarily because internet access has become widely available throughout most countries now so businesses need someone skilled enough in managing software infrastructure which includes physical servers running Linux OSes coupled with virtual machines running Windows OSes installed locally here too before deploying back onto public cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) etc...

I have already made videos on some of these topics while others will be covered in coming days.

I have already made videos on some of these topics while others will be covered in coming days.

In the next series of articles, I will be sharing my experience from being a student to an entrepreneur.

The first article in this series will be about how I got started in the tech industry.
The second article will be about how I learned to code.

Anyways, I hope this video would help you understand the options that you have after graduating as a Bachelors in Computer Science.

You can be a software developer. If you have the passion for programming, then this is the career path for you. You will have to learn different languages and technologies like Java, C++ and Python etc.

You can also become a technical consultant by working on small projects with clients or large companies that are looking for solutions to their problems. This gives an opportunity to learn more about business process and how they function in real life situations across industries like finance & banking or healthcare etc., which will help in building skills required when dealing with clients later on in life as well.

If you're interested in data science then there are plenty of ways we could look at doing this too! Here's one way: “Data Scientist” refers specifically those professionals who use statistical techniques & methods while analyzing large amounts of structured data (iTunes playlist metadata), historical data (iStock photos), unstructured textual text documents (eBooks) etc., along with machine learning algorithms such as deep learning based neural networks which are trained using supervised learning approaches."


I hope this video would help you understand the options that you have after graduating as a Bachelors in Computer Science. If you are interested in entrepreneurship, then this is the right time to start your career. If not, then there are many other career options for students like me who wish to work for startups or even big companies but at their own level of commitment and responsibility.

I hope you found this video useful and I wish you all the best in your career and studies.


As a Bachelors in Computer Science, you are now one step closer to a job as a software developer. But there are many other options available as well. You can opt for careers such as Product Management, Business Development or Marketing.

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