
Data Scientist Career After MCA


Big Data, data science and analytics are the newest buzzwords in the corporate world. A data scientist is someone who knows how to extract meaning from and interpret data. The term "Big Data" refers to both non-traditional strategies and technologies needed to gather, organize, process and gather insights from large datasets. In this article we will discuss what exactly a data scientist does? What are their career options like? How can you get into these fields? And finally what can be expected from one once they join it?"

Big Data and Data Science are the newest buzz words.

Big Data and Data Science are the newest buzz words in the field of Computer Science. A Big Data problem is defined as a large amount of data with many dimensions (numbers, text, images) that need to be analyzed to extract meaningful information.

Data Scientist is a person who has expertise in dealing with large amounts of heterogeneous data through various means like Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence which can help businesses derive insights from their existing information.

A data scientist is someone who knows how to extract meaning from and interpret data.

A data scientist is someone who knows how to extract meaning from and interpret data. They have the ability to visualize the patterns that exist within a large amount of information, and can communicate those patterns effectively through graphs, charts, or tables. A data scientist can also use this knowledge in order to make recommendations for improving products or services at their company by identifying problems with them before they become big issues for customers.

Data Scientists often work with other professionals within the same field like engineers or designers who specialize in creating new software applications based on what’s available on the market today (or prior years).

Big Data is a blanket term for the non-traditional strategies and technologies needed to gather, organize, process and gather insights from large datasets.

Big Data is a blanket term for the non-traditional strategies and technologies needed to gather, organize, process and gather insights from large datasets. Big data includes all information that is difficult or impossible to store in conventional formats (due to its volume) or compute from it using classical data warehouse tools.

It includes not only structured data but also unstructured text, audio and video files; as well as social media content such as tweets about topics or events that have occurred in the past few days. The amount of information being generated by people around the world has grown exponentially over recent years due in part because there has been an increase in mobile phones which allow them access wherever they are at any given time throughout their day/night cycle—or even moments apart when we're away from our desktops at work!

Career opportunities in data science/analytics are growing across domains.

Data science is a hot field. It’s expected to grow at a rate of 36 percent over the next five years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

A data scientist is someone who applies statistical techniques and tools to gather and analyze information from large datasets in order to extract insights that can be used to make decisions. Data scientists are well-paid, with an average salary of $113k per year as of May 2018—and they’re in high demand!

Data Science offers a wide range of career options based on your field of interest.

Data science is a new field, but it is already changing the world. It offers a wide range of career options based on your field of interest. The data scientist job description can be applied to almost any industry, where there are problems that need solving with the help of technology and data.

Data Science can be applied in many industries including:

Information Technology (IT) - Data scientists are often hired by IT companies like Google or Facebook as well as other tech giants such as Amazon, Microsoft etc., to solve certain problems faced by them in their business operations. For example: if you want to know how many people visited your website last month then you would ask a data scientist who would collect this information from various sources including crawling websites manually or using bots which crawl websites automatically so that they can analyze them later on when needed (e-commerce websites). This way not only does it save time but also helps increase profits since more traffic means higher sales!

Demand for professionals with knowledge of business analytics techniques is rising in India.

Data science is a hot topic in the corporate world. In fact, demand for professionals with knowledge of business analytics techniques is rising in India. The number of companies hiring data scientists has grown by leaps and bounds over the last few years as they realize that they need these professionals to meet their business goals and make them more competitive on an international level.

For example, let's take an example of one such company: Tata Consultancy Service (TCS). TCS was founded in 1945 by Jamshedji Tata who had worked with IBM before starting his own company that specialized in consulting services related to information technology solutions for companies. Today it employs 55000+ people across 57 countries worldwide including many Fortune 500 companies such as Microsoft Corporation or IBM etc., making it one of India’s largest IT firms globally!

MCA opens new career path for you

MCA is a good starting point for Data Science. Though you can pursue it as an undergraduate degree, it’s also ideal for people who are already interested in data science and want to start their career early.

This program will give you an introduction into big data and machine learning, which will help you learn how to use the technologies efficiently when working with large datasets. You’ll also have exposure to various fields of study like business analytics or economics so that your knowledge base is broadened at once instead of having focus on one area only.


Data science is a growing field, and the demand for professionals with knowledge of business analytics techniques is rising in India. If you are an MCA graduate who wishes to pursue a career in this field, it will be a good idea to begin your search for jobs in this area as soon as possible. If you want more information about the various careers available in data science or analytics, then check out our blog post on “What are some of the common misconceptions people have about Data Scientists?”

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