
NEET Entrance Exam Previous Year Question Paper

What Are the Most Common Mistakes to Avoid During NEET Entrance Exam?

The National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET) is a national level exam that is conducted by the Medical Council of India. Every year, around 8 lakh candidates apply for it. The examination is held in two phases: the first phase consists of a written test followed by a clinical skills test, while second phase includes both written and clinical exams.

Never Study Alone

As a student, you should never study alone. This is because NEET is a team game and you need to work as a team to succeed in the exam. You will be tested on all aspects of your knowledge, so it is important that everyone understands what they’re expected to do when taking the test.

NEET is not just an exam; it’s also an experience where students develop their skills through group discussions and projects with other participants from different parts of India or even abroad!

Never Ever Stop Practicing

The next thing to remember is that NEET is a test of your mental ability. It helps you assess how well you have developed your skills and competencies in various domains such as literature, science etc.

It's also an exam which will give you an idea about the level of your knowledge on various topics related with Engineering or Medical Sciences.

Don't Be Scared Of NEET

The NEET exam is not as difficult as it seems. It tests your knowledge, but it also requires you to apply that knowledge in a practical way. You can study for NEET, but also practice for it by taking mock tests online or offline.

NEET is an examination of your ability to apply your knowledge and skills in real life situations, which means that if you know how to solve problems then you will succeed at the exam!

Time Management

Time management is one of the most important things to keep in mind during NEET. The exam duration is 3 hours and 45 minutes, which can be quite long for some students. You should plan your time accordingly and take breaks if you feel tired or need to go to the washroom. Don't spend too much time on one question either; if you get stuck on a particular question for too long, move on immediately!

Do Not Leave Revision For The Last Moment

You might have already heard that NEET is a continuous process. This means that you should not leave revision for the last moment. It is important to start preparing for your entrance exam as early as possible and continue studying right up until the last date, so that you are able to answer all questions correctly in time.

There are many factors which can affect your performance during this period: stress levels, sleep quality etc., so it is important that you maintain a balanced lifestyle throughout this time period by doing physical exercise and having healthy food intake at regular intervals. Also remember that there will be more than one test paper in total (each paper will have different sets of questions), so make sure all these papers are prepared well before going into them!

Avoid Confusing Topics

Avoid Confusing Topics

NEET is a national level exam and hence it has a lot of topics that are not covered in your school syllabus. However, this does not mean that you can skip these topics or even attempt them if you don't understand them completely. It’s better to leave this for the last moment because once you start with the first question, it will be difficult for you to stop at any point and come back again. If there are some questions on which your knowledge seems weak then try practicing them on different subjects instead of trying those whose difficulty level seems easy enough for now


The National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) is conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi for admission to MBBS/BDS degree programmes in medical/dental colleges.

The test is conducted in two phases:

Phase 1 - written examination with English, Hindi and one subject from Physics, Chemistry & Biology;

Phase 2 - interview which includes personality profiling test, computer based test and personal interview at a designated venue within the city where applicant resides.


NEET is the most common exam in India, and it’s a big deal for many students. Many of them spend their entire lives preparing for this test and hope to get into a good college. But sometimes, people can forget about the importance of being confident and relaxed in front of an audience. It’s important that you practice your presentation skills before going on stage because no matter how good you are, there will always be someone better than you at something!

Study material: NEET Entrance Exam Previous Year Question Paper

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