
GATE Aerospace Engineering Syllabus

GATE Aerospace Engineering Syllabus

The GATE Aerospace Engineering syllabus is a set of topics that help students prepare for the exam. It consists of all the concepts that are tested in GATE Aerospace Engineering. The syllabus can be used by students who want to learn more about these concepts and prepare for their examinations.

General Aptitude (GA)

General aptitude (GA) section is a part of the exam and it includes English, Mathematics and reasoning. This section helps in selection as it gives an idea about the student’s preparation level. It also helps students in their career as this will give them confidence to face other tasks like interviews for jobs or competitive exams like CAT/MAT/GMAT etc., which are conducted by various agencies such as banks or IT companies etc..

The following table contains some important questions from GA section that you might be asked during your GATE Aerospace Engineering 2019 written test:

Engineering Mathematics



Trigonometry and geometry (including trigonometry)

Basic concepts of statistics: probability, sampling distributions, etc.

Differentiation and integration. This includes simple applications to the physical sciences as well as more advanced topics like Fourier Series or Taylor Series expansions. You'll need to know how these work when analyzing problems in mechanics or fluid dynamics! Matrices are used throughout engineering because they're so versatile—they can be used for solving problems involving rotations about axes, forces between points on two different surfaces at different scales, etc! Differential equations describe how rates change over time; first order differential equations describe systems where only one variable changes while everything else remains constant over time periods that are related by constants such as t (time) or a (area). Second order differential equations describe systems where both variables change simultaneously but independently from each other due to factors outside those directly affecting them such as friction inside an engine block causing heat generation which increases pressure within it causing increased combustion temperatures which produce more exhaust gas per stroke cycle through combustion chambers located underneath cylinder heads near valves that open when pistons compress during compression stroke before returning back down again during exhaust stroke after completing their cycle

Fluid Mechanics and Mechanical Operations

The fluid mechanics and mechanical operations sections cover topics on fluid flow, heat transfer and Mach number. These are used in aerospace engineering because they help us understand what happens when aircraft fly through the air, how they work and how they operate.

Heat Transfer

Heat transfer is the transfer of heat from one body to another. Heat transfer occurs by conduction, convection and radiation. Conduction: The direct transfer of heat between solid surfaces at different temperatures by means of an electric current. Convection: A form of heat transfer in which a substance moves from a region where its temperature is higher than that surrounding it to one where its temperature is lower than that surrounding it. Radiation: A form of heat transfer in which electromagnetic waves are emitted or absorbed by objects such as air molecules or liquids within them; these waves then travel through space until they are absorbed (or reflected) back towards their source (i

Thermodynamics and Gas Dynamics

Thermodynamics is the branch of physics that deals with heat and temperature, their relation to energy and work. Gas dynamics is the study of motion of gases in a fluid state. Gas dynamics is concerned with gas molecules rather than solids or liquids (for which it has been called molecular mechanics). The main difference between these two fields lies in their focus on individual particles rather than entire systems; however, many concepts used in one field can also be applied to another one depending on how they are formulated.


Thermodynamics can be considered as a branch or subfield within engineering thermodynamics dealing with heat transfer such as radiation, convection/conduction etc., which includes several branches like general principles (thermal equilibrium), statistical mechanics and phase changes such as boiling point elevation due to evaporation process


Engine types

Engine operation

Engine performance and characteristics

Engine noise

Aircraft Structure, Stall and Stability Analysis

Aircraft structure is a collection of parts that make up an aircraft. The structure determines how much force can be applied to the airframe without damaging it and how easily the airframe can withstand high aerodynamic forces.

The stability of an aircraft depends on its weight, shape and size. As long as these three factors are within acceptable limits, then your aircraft will be stable enough for flight despite any external factors such as wind or turbulence affecting its performance during takeoff or landing.

Stability is also essential for maneuverability because it helps maintain control of your aircraft when it's moving through different environments like air space with strong winds or over water where there isn't any friction between surfaces due to low Reynolds number (Re = 0).

Theory of Flight, Aerodynamics and Airfoil Sections

Definition of the terms "lift" and "drag".

Definition of the term "thrust".

Definition of the term "pitch angle".

Definition of the term "roll angle".


Here are some takeaways from this course:

Gate Aerospace Engineering is important to understand how to solve problems.

GA isn't just about numbers, but also about how to solve problems effectively.

GA is useful for thinking through complex issues and solving them in an efficient manner.


Great! Now that you’ve finished reading this chapter, you should understand the basic concepts of aircraft design. You should also be able to perform some simple calculations in your head or on a calculator. I hope that this chapter has helped you gain a better understanding of what it takes to become an Aerospace Engineer. We will now move onto Chapter 3: Mechanical Engineering and its sub-chapter “Data Collection & Analysis” where we cover how engineers make decisions about their work based on empirical evidence collected from controlled experiments or simulated ones.


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