
UPSC Exams Social Justice, International Relations Notes

UPSC Exams Social Justice, International Relations Notes

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is one of the most prestigious bodies in India. It conducts the exams for recruitment to various posts under the central government. The UPSC provides wide opportunities to people from all walks of life and offers a chance to serve their country through public service.

Social Justice

Social justice is a concept of fairness that applies to society, groups and individuals. It refers to the idea that everyone in society should be treated equally and have equal opportunities. Social justice can be achieved through government intervention or by changing social norms.

The UPSC’s syllabus for this topic talks about social justice as follows: “Sociology seeks to explain how people view themselves, their place within society, the way they relate to others and the kind of life they lead."

Welfare Schemes for Vulnerable Sections of the Population by the Centre and States and the Performance of these Schemes;

In this chapter, you will be able to understand welfare schemes for vulnerable sections of the population by the Centre and States and their performance. You will also learn about central and state governments' role in providing social security to citizens.

Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources.

Social justice is a concept that has been highly debated by philosophers and theologians for centuries. It refers to the idea that all members of society have certain rights, which can be achieved by creating equal opportunities for all. In practice, social justice means treating people fairly and giving them access to resources such as healthcare, education or employment.

Social Justice has multiple dimensions with respect to gender issues:

Gender equality - Equality between men & women in terms of their treatment; equal opportunities for both sexes in work places etc., including those who are disabled; equal pay for similar work done by men & women; etc.;

India and its neighborhood- relations.

India has a long history of relations with Pakistan, China and Bangladesh. In the early 1970s, there was an undeclared war between them over Kashmir. However, after many years of negotiations they came to an agreement in 2013 that resolved all issues between them. They also agreed on setting up a joint commission for resolving future conflicts in Jammu & Kashmir through talks instead of using force as they had done earlier on several occasions when their forces clashed with each other over control of territory or water resources like Dal Lake which belongs to Pakistan but is also used by both sides for irrigation purposes due to its importance as a source of drinking water supply for humans living in surrounding areas around it (Refer: https://www)


Social Justice

Welfare Schemes for Vulnerable Sections of the Population by the Centre and States and the Performance thereof;

Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources etc.,


The UPSC Social Justice, International Relations Notes will help you prepare for the exam. If you want to study these subjects in depth and get your hands on some great study material, then this is perfect for you! We have included all the key topics that are covered in the syllabus of the exam and also have given some practice exercises so that when it comes time to take it on board there won't be anything left out.


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