
XAT Best Books For Entrance Exam Preparation

Acing the XAT Entrance Exam: A Step-by-Step Guide

The XAT -- Xavier Aptitude Test is an entrance examination conducted in India every year by Xavier Association of Management Institutes (XAMI) for admission to the post graduate management programmes offered by the 160 member institutes. The candidates who qualify this exam are eligible for admission under various schemes of XAMI.


The XAT -- Xavier Aptitude Test is an entrance examination conducted in India every year by Xavier Association of Management Institutes (XAMI) for admission to the post graduate management programmes offered by the 160 member institutes.

The test consists of four sections: Quantitative Ability, Reasoning Ability, Language Comprehension and Reading Comprehension. Candidates are required to score a minimum of 400 in each section with a maximum 300 marks required out of 500 marks available on each section separately.

1. Analytical reasoning and Decision Making

The most important thing to remember while solving the analytical reasoning and decision making questions is that they are not necessarily complex. The best way to solve them is by trial and error, which means you should try out different ways of solving each question until you find one that works for you. If this is too difficult for some reason, there are some good online resources available on the internet such as www.pass4sureonlineexamprep-com

2. Quantitative ability and Data Interpretation

Quantitative ability is the ability to reason and understand numbers. The test focuses on your ability to analyze data and make accurate judgments in numerical problems.

To practice for quantitative ability, go through content-based questions that contain some sort of information about numbers, such as addition or subtraction problems; then practice solving them mentally before reading them aloud so you can hear how it sounds when it's read back at you by someone else (this will also help improve your pronunciation). You can also take practice tests online or with a tutor/coach who has taken the test before so they can guide you through each step of the way until they believe their advice has been followed correctly enough times that they feel comfortable telling other students not only what worked but why it worked as well!

3. Verbal and Logical Ability

Verbal and Logical Ability

Verbal ability tests your understanding of English language, including grammar and vocabulary. Logical reasoning tests your logical thinking and problem solving skills. The questions that are asked in this section are usually based on arguments or propositions that have been presented to you by an examiner; they require you to judge whether the argument/proposition is valid or not (i.e., do they follow from one another).

4. General Knowledge

The General Knowledge section will ask you about general knowledge. This is the sum total of what you know about the world around you, including sports, movies and politics. You can't skip this section if you want to get into medical school!

Questions on general knowledge are usually asked in both sections (Biology & Chemistry) as well as XAT Entrance Exam itself so it's best not to leave out any subjects while preparing for your exam.

Learn about what aspects will be tested in the XAT

The XAT consists of five sections: Reading, Writing, Math, Analytical Reasoning and Experimental Skills.

The reading section measures your ability to read and interpret passages from a wide range of sources—including magazines, newspapers and websites—and then use that information to answer questions based on what you've read.

The writing section tests your knowledge of grammar rules; usage guidelines; sentence structure; paragraph development (organization); editing skills; conventions for writing in English as well as other languages such as Spanish or French; research methods used when doing research for papers or reports related to science topics like biology, chemistry or physics etc., among others.

In addition, there are three types of questions that can come up during each part: multiple choice (MCQ), matching questions (MATCH) which requires comparison between two sets of data sets related either by meaning or subject matter vs contrasting those set with one another using key words not just content itself but also order/sequence within those items themselves so that it makes sense logically without having any doubt about their relationship between them at all times during this process since there wouldn't be any reason why anyone would get confused here because everything is clearly explained beforehand so there shouldn't ever be any doubt whatsoever about how these things work together once someone has figured out how each piece fits together properly enough before moving forward into next step after completing each one correctly instead making mistakes along way due lack thereof understanding previous steps better than others because they don't know what else needs done afterwards yet still want something done immediately after completing ALL THREE steps equally well enough before proceeding further into next step again because they forgot one thing somewhere along way!


The XAT is a very important exam that you can take to get into one of the best business schools in India. It is an all-India examination conducted by Xavier Association of Management Institutes (XAMI). The XAT 2018 will be held on April 29, 2018 and May 5, 2018 for the candidates who are appearing for admission to management programmes offered by 160 member institutes affiliated with XAMI.

Study material : XAT Best Books For Entrance Exam Preparation

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