
Police Constable Previous Year Question Paper.


The Police Constable is the entry level post in the police force. The syllabus of this exam is divided into six parts and they are as follows: General Knowledge Part-I (GK-I), General Knowledge Part-II (GK-II), Numerical Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, English Comprehension and Personality Test (PT) - PPAT which stands for Physical Efficiency; PPT which stands for Psychological Profiling Test and Personality Assessment Techniques

Police Constable is the entry level post in the police force.

The syllabus of this exam is divided into six parts and they are as follows:

General Knowledge Part-I (GK-I)

General Knowledge Part-II (GK-II)

Physical Ability Test (PAT)

Computer Based Test - CBT

The syllabus of this exam is divided into six parts and they are as follows:

General Knowledge Part-I (GK-I)

General Knowledge Part-II (GK-II)

General Knowledge Part-I (GK-I)

The GK-I paper is a 100-minute paper that consists of two sections: general knowledge and current affairs.

The general knowledge section includes questions related to various topics such as history, geography, economics etc.; while the current affairs section includes questions related to various events occurring around the world today like elections, sports events etc.

General Knowledge Part-II (GK-II)

Police means “to make peace or quiet.” Police Constable is a person who is employed by the police department to guard public order and safety, prevent crime and enforce laws. Constable has different meanings depending upon where in the world you are living: In India it means a police officer; in England it refers to an officer of lower rank than constable; in Scotland it refers to an observer (not necessarily one who works for the police) who reports on crime scene details as well as taking photographs of crimes committed in their area; while Canada uses "constable" mainly for its municipal municipalities that have their own police forces but also reserve this title for those who serve under provincial governments' jurisdiction (e.g., Ontario).

Numerical Aptitude

Numerical Aptitude is a test of mathematical ability. It consists of questions that require you to solve problems in numerical form and select the correct answer from a given range of alternatives. The test usually takes place after the GK section and is usually taken in the form of a computerized one.

There are four types:-

Arithmetic (A)

Algebra (A)/Discrimination/Geometry(C)/Trigonometry(B)/Probability & Statistics(D)/Programming Language Knowledge(E).

Logical Reasoning

What is the logical pattern of events?

What is the correct sequence of events?

The four friends are A, B, C and D. They are having a picnic in a park when they see some birds flying past them. All of them want to catch them but only A and C can do so because they have longer legs than the others. The other three wait for them with their arms stretched out wide open like arms holding up a tablecloth at dinnertime during dinner time at home where everyone eats together as one big family without any problems or fights about who should eat first or anything else like that before we go back home again!

English Comprehension

The English Comprehension section measures your ability to understand what you are reading. You will be presented with a passage and asked questions related to that passage. The questions may vary in difficulty, so it is important to practice with different types of questions before appearing for the examination by answering sample papers online or by reading some books on the subject matter.

Here are some tips on how best to answer these kinds of questions:

Read carefully and make sure you understand everything that has been written in each question; do not skip over any words because this can lead people who do not know English well into thinking they have answered correctly when they have actually missed out parts of the sentence or paragraph altogether!

When answering multiple-choice type items try keeping track of which ones apply specifically towards whatever topic was being discussed earlier - this will help ensure that no one else gets confused about where things stand at any given time during an exam session's duration (which might otherwise lead them backtrack).

Personality Test (PT) - PPAT, which stands for Physical Efficiency, PPT, which stands for Psychological Profiling Test and Personality Assessment Techniques.

The objective of this test is to evaluate the personality traits of candidates. It also helps in identifying their aptitude towards various aspects like physical fitness, mental health etc. The candidate should be evaluated on these parameters before being recruited into the force so that he gets selected as per his capability and skills required by police department


As a police constable, you will be expected to have a friendly tone and manner. You should also be polite, respectful, helpful and diplomatic.

You should use tactful language when talking with people who are not police officers or other members of the public.


If you have the required academic qualifications, then this test can be used as a stepping stone to further your career. It is also a good idea to apply for this type of job if you are already working with the police or want to join their force.

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