
Kerala PSC Exams

Kerala PSC Exams

Kerala is a state in India. It is the southernmost Indian state, bordered by the Arabian Sea to the west and by Tamil Nadu and Karnataka to the north and northeast respectively. The name of Kerala is derived from kera, which means "land" in Sanskrit. This land was once a part of ancient Indus Valley Civilization. The earliest signs of habitation in Kerala dates back 3,500 years to Mehrgarh culture (4000 BCE).

Must Attend

Malabar Palace: The Malabar Palace is located in Kochi and has a history of more than 300 years. The palace is built on the banks of the Arabian Sea and it houses a museum which features various artifacts from different parts of India. You can also see various paintings, sculptures and antiques here.

Sree Chitra Art Gallery: This gallery houses an extensive collection of works by several artists like Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya, M G Ravi Varma and Ravi Varma to name a few. It also has an exhibit dedicated to Kerala Kalamandalam which showcases their research work into art forms such as puppetry & mask making etc..

Kerala Kalamandalam: Founded by Dr K G Krishnan Nair in 1962 this institute offers courses related to fine arts but also conducts research projects related to traditional Indian music & dance forms like Kathakali (dance drama), Koodiyattom (dance drama) Kathakali Kuchipudi Manipuri Mohiniyattom Mohiniyanjali Odissi Kathakkarisuddha Yakshi Bharatanatyam Bharatiya Bhavanuja Swami Raghavendra Saraswathi Matha Mandiram Manasollasa Sabha Peetha Parakala Sanchari Sangrashala Gandhiji Smriti Sangrahana Sabha Peetha Parakalana Sanchari Sangrashala Gandhiji Smriti Sangrahana Sabha Peetha Parakalana Sanchari Sangrashalisangrahanasangrahanasangrishallasangrishal

Places to Visit

Places to visit in Kerala

Alappuzha: This city is considered as the cultural capital of Kerala. You can visit several temples and churches here, which are located in the small town area and give you a feeling of peace. The most famous tourist attraction here is St Thomas Cathedral Church, which was built by Portuguese missionaries in 1504 AD. You can also go for a boat ride on backwater canals passing through this place if you want to enjoy your trip even more!

Thekkady: One more beautiful place where tourists flock every year because they know how much fun they can have while there! This jungle village offers many activities like bird watching tours or trekking through forests full of wildlife or attending local festivals such as Onam or Vishu celebrations etc., so make sure that when visiting this region don't forget any important things like sunscreen lotion or mosquito repellent spray!

About Kerala

Kerala is a state in southern India. It's known for its long coastline, with beaches, lagoons and islands. The state is also home to some of the most important rivers in India—the Periyar River and Bharathapuzha River flow through it.

The history of Kerala dates back to 1000 BC when this region was inhabited by tribes consisting of hunter-gatherers who lived off fishing and farming at that time. Later on, around 500 AD (or maybe even earlier), Tamil traders arrived here and started trading with people here; they built houses along rivers which eventually became their homes as well!


Kerala is a state in southern India. It has the highest Human Development Index of 0.712 among all states and Union Territories, according to statistics from 2014–15 released by the Planning Commission on January 28th 2017. Kerala also enjoys one of the highest literacy rates in India at 91% for males and females aged 7–14 years old as per 2011 census data published by Census Indicators (

The state's population density is higher than that of most other Indian states with over 1 lakh people living per square kilometre compared to places like Goa or Gujarat which have less than 40000 per square kilometre respectively making it one of few regions where urbanization has taken place faster than rural areas


Finally, we’re excited to announce that the Kerala PSC Exams are now open for registration! The exams will begin on November 7th and go on until November 21st, so don’t miss out on your chance to get into this prestigious role as an officer in Kerala. We hope you find these tips helpful during your preparations for these examinations.

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