
MOEF Exam Syllabus, Pattern, Books & Preparation Tips

MOEF Recruitment Syllabus And Exam Pattern

The syllabus for all the posts is different. It is decided by the level of the post. Some posts have a single paper and other posts have both Paper-I, Paper-II, and interview. MoEF Recruitment Syllabus and Exam Pattern is given below.

MOEF stands for The Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change. It is a ministry that is under the Indian Government. Right now, Prakash Javadekar is the Chairman. The ministry hires many officers every year. The officers will work under IFS. Indian Forest Service.

MOEF Posts
The MoEF hires many officers for different posts.

Upper-Divisional Clerk
Multi-tasking Staff
Lower Divisional Clerk
Technical Officer
Research Officer
Research Assistant
Scientist and Legal Assistant at Regional Officers
MoEF Location
The officers will be hired all over India. the officers should keep in mind that, they can hire officers all over India. The officers working under IFS will get transfer facilities. They have to score the best marks to get the facility.

About MoEF
The MOEF stands for The Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change. It is prepared to release the main information for hiring in 2021. The exam is for different posts all over India. Students ready to join MoEF must visit our page. They can read the complete information. All the information about the exam is on the main webpage. You can get more information here. To know details about MoEF hiring 2021. Details like Admit Card, Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Cut students, and Results.

MoEF Exam Pattern
Detailed Syllabus MoEF Exam Pattern
English Language Confusing words, Comprehension of passage, Synonyms and Antonyms, Error Correction, Phrases and Idioms, Sentence Completion, Tenses, Direct and Indirect speech, one-word substitution, Fill in the Blanks, Sentence Structure, Corrections, Adjectives
Mathematics HCF and LCM, Time and Work, Profit and Loss, Averages, Boats and Streams, Allegations, Mixture, Ratio and Proportions, Percentage, Compound Interest, Age problems, Simplification, Data interpretation, Number System
General Science National and international current affairs, Music and Literature, Indian culture, Rajasthan culture, History of India, Famous places in India, Political Science, International issue
General Intelligence Abbreviations, Everyday Science concepts, Chemistry, Botany, Indian politics, Current events, History, Current Affairs, Awards and honors, Books and Authors, About India, Indian History, World History, Space and Information Technology, General Science, National news, Constitution, Indian Polity, Indian culture, Science and Technology, Sports and games, Important financial and Economic news, Geography, Social science, Indian parliament, important days, Scientific observations, who’ who,
The paper is for 3 hours and consists of 4 sections. Mathematics, English and Hindi, General Intelligence, General Science. The paper is written. The student should prepare well as the paper is at a moderate to hard level.

S. No Subjects marks Time Given
1 General Intelligence 100 3 Hours
2 English Language
3 General Science
4 Mathematics
Total 100 3 Hours
Objective Type Exam
The exam is for 3 hours in total
Question Paper is for 100 marks
MoEF Recommended Books
Quantitative Aptitude for competitive examinations the old edition
The numerical ability for IBPS, SSC, RRB, and other competitive exams.
A fast-track course in reasoning and mental ability
Mental ability test series and general ability test series.
The mental ability and logical reasoning and problem-solving competitive exams handbook.
IAS preparatory handbook and IAS prelims general studies book for paper 2 and state PSC Exams handbook.
Analytical reasoning and ability, logical reasoning, and GMA CSAT Paper-II (Access Co.)
Rapid general knowledge questions booklet 2020 for competitive exams 2nd edition
General knowledge for all Arihant 2020 edition
General knowledge
Current Affairs notes from
Solved papers plus practice capsules.
Sample paper from previous MoEF recruitment exams.
MoEF Exam Preparation Tips
The student should solve sample papers. Sample papers help the student to get a clear view of the exam. It makes the student comfortable with the syllabus and pattern.

Study regularly
The student must study regularly. This way, the student will have a flow for studying. It gets really hard to start studying after a long break.

Avoid long breaks
The student should avoid taking long breaks. Once you break the flow it will be really hard to create that atmosphere again. So, keep in mind that you give at least 8 hours of study in a day.

Revision is very important. The student should revise at least once a week. This way the topics stay fresh in mind. There are fewer chances of forgetting.

Make a timetable
It is very important. Every person should have a timetable. It is the first step of a successful life. Make a timetable and follow it.

Do not waste time
It is easy to use all your time watching TV and playing games. The student should make a hard mind and stop wasting time. Time is very important in a student’s life.

Focus on all sections
Every section is important. The student should revise and practice every section. The combined marks will be responsible for the selection. Do not give all your time to one subject.

Always prepare according to the syllabus
Cover all those topics under each main section for the examination. Work more on those topics that are difficult and then equally manage time-based on the syllabus. Start preparing the easy ones first, followed by difficult ones.

Do clever work along with hard work
Hard work is necessary, but clever work is even more important. Never waste time on one topic. Clear the basics of all the topics first. Then slowly increase the difficulty levels. At every stage of preparation, practice every topic of every subject at the same time.

Always be Updated with Current Affairs
Students need to be well aware of all the current issues happening around the world. In the MoEF exam, the general knowledge part will have current affairs. Read the ‘Hindu Newspaper’ daily for GK.

Do proper planning before preparation MoEF Exam Pattern
Students should learn their strengths and weaknesses while planning their studies. According to the syllabus, students should decide on what parts he/she is comfortable to do first in the examination. Based on the practice, Students should make their timetables.

Practice all the Math Problems
The sooner the students will start practicing problems, the better they will perform in the examination. Start learning the formulas by writing down important formulas in a chart. Put the charts in front of your study table.

Eat healthily, maintain your diet, and have proper sleep
Keep yourself in shape as it is necessary for concentration and physical fitness exams. Always make your preparation timetable by keeping some time for a workout every day. make sure to have a proper sleep.

Reasoning requires you to think logically
The reasoning is easy only when the concepts are clear. Start practicing & solving puzzles and questions. Always try to think better while you answer.

Start Taking Online Mock Exams
As the MoEF exam is an online examination, Students need to practice taking fake tests online to be prepared for the final exam. Many Students are not comfortable using online platforms for examination; therefore, they need to get comfortable by taking online fake exams.

Practice Sample Question Papers
Practice will make the student perfect and will lead to success. Clarify the doubts & strengthen the weaknesses in difficult subjects. Also, register for the course & never miss new dates & information for your upcoming MoEF exam. Solve a range of sample question papers, take short quizzes & online fake tests as a part of your exam preparation.

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