
CMA Intermediate Course Question Paper For Group 1

How to Use Study Materials for the CMA Intermediate Exam

The CMA Intermediate exam is designed to test your understanding of accounting, finance, internal controls and business strategy. It's important to study for this exam by going through the material that's provided in your study materials. You can find these on our website or in your CMA textbook. This guide will help you use these materials effectively!


You can use technology to enhance your learning. Use online resources, mobile apps and flash cards to help you study for the CMA Intermediate Exam.

You might also consider joining a study group where you can discuss questions with other students and make sure that everyone is on the same page about their understanding of material before taking an exam.


The first thing you need to do is understand the basics of accounting. You'll need to know about the differences between cash, accrual and hybrid methods, as well as the basics of financial statement preparation. You should also be able to explain what internal controls are and how they help prevent fraud or theft from occurring in an organization.

These topics can be covered using several different resources:

Finance textbooks such as Allyn & Bacon's Modern Accounting Theory (Wiley) or Cengage's Financial Accounting Tutorials (McGraw Hill)

Online videos at Udemy or Coursera

Financial Reporting

Financial reporting is a set of processes and procedures for summarizing, analyzing and communicating financial information about a company. It involves preparing annual reports, quarterly reports and other kinds of periodic reports. To prepare the financial report:

Prepare the budget for each year;

Identify your goals for this year;

Set up target objectives;

Calculate forecasted sales figures based on past trends, competition and new products/services that you will be offering in this year (e.g., sale targets);

Determine how much capital needs to be raised by selling stock options or bonds or through private placements (if applicable).

Decision Analysis

Decision analysis is a framework for making decisions under uncertainty. It's a structured approach to decision making, and it helps you make better decisions by providing guidelines for addressing different scenarios.

Decision analysis consists of three steps: analyze, evaluate, and decide. In this section we'll focus on the first two steps: analyzing your options and evaluating their potential outcomes or consequences.

Internal Controls

Internal controls are the management tools used to ensure that business activities are conducted in accordance with established policies, procedures and standards.

There are two main types of internal controls:

Control systems - These are systematic approaches to detecting and preventing fraud or other irregularities. They ensure the accuracy of financial reporting, including the maintenance of records and documentation on cash transactions; management accountability for ensuring compliance with policies and procedures relating to audits; provision for obtaining independent opinions about matters related to internal control over financial reporting; etc.

Activities - These include verifying information through examination or testing (e.g., checks); performing periodic reviews based on predetermined schedules (e.g., quarterly); analyzing data using mathematical models (e.g., Monte Carlo analysis); etc

Strategy Based Questions

Strategy based questions are the most common type of question that you will find on the exam. These questions ask you to solve a problem by applying basic knowledge and skills learned in previous topics. They have been designed to test your ability to use your general knowledge and critical thinking skills as well as your specific technical knowledge relating to the syllabus topic being covered.

The strategy is always contained within one of three types:

Fill-in-the-blanks (FFB) - You should be able to fill in the blanks with information provided by text or figures within an argument/scenario or case study exercise; this is usually done by selecting from pre-determined options but sometimes there may be no option available so you may have multiple choices which must be identified before choosing one


The takeaway is the most important part of your article. It should be something that you can use in your daily life, and it should also help you learn something new. For example, if you have a friend who just graduated from college, he or she might be interested in joining the CMA program as well. In this case, you could write about how to get into the program and why it's an excellent choice for professionals who want to work in healthcare administration or consulting settings.

The takeaway should not only be memorable but also practical so that readers will remember it when they need it later on down the line (this is especially true for people who don't live far apart).


You can use Study Materials for CMA Intermediate Exam to prepare yourself. We have provided all the best materials on our website. You can download these study materials and practice them in your spare time. Use our material with great care and be ready to face any question asked in the exam.

Study Material : CMA Intermediate Course Question Paper For Group 1
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