
CMA Intermediate Study Materials

10 Tips for Passing the CMA Intermediate Exam

The CMA exam can be difficult, and it's not uncommon for candidates to get discouraged. The good news is that there are many resources available to help you pass the exam. This article will outline some of those resources and how to use them effectively in order for you to successfully pass your next CMA test.

Know How to Study

While you may be wondering if the CMA Intermediate Exam is easy, it's important to remember that it's not just about memorizing facts. It's also about knowing what you need to know and how best to use your time. For example: do you know which chapter of the CMA Handbook is most relevant for this exam? Or which questions come up most frequently on the test? Can you tell me which chapters are optional or required for passing certification?

The truth is that there are no specific tips or tricks for passing this test—there are only general rules of thumb. These include knowing how long each section should take (each section has its own estimated amount of time), taking breaks during testing sessions so that your mind isn't overwhelmed by information overload, making sure all resources are available before starting (such as textbooks), making sure everything hangs together logically so mistakes won't be made later down the line when studying becomes difficult because one part isn't completely understood yet

Know What to Study

To study for the exam, you'll want to look at the syllabus and other information on the CMA website. The CMA study guide is another good resource for this exam.

Spend the Most Time on the Topics That Are Worth the Most Points

The exam is scored on a scale of 200 to 999, with each topic worth up to 100 points. So if you want to score well, you need to know what topics are worth the most points and spend your time studying those topics first. The best way for you to do this is by knowing how many points each topic is worth before taking the exam. You can find this information in our CMA Intermediate Exam Guidebook or on our website at For example: If we say that financial accounting has a total of 350 questions, then it would be wise for someone who plans on taking only 20 minutes per question (which would mean about 10 minutes per question) as opposed to someone who plans on spending an hour or more per question (which would mean about 30 minutes per question).

Make a Study Schedule

The first step to passing the exam is making a study schedule. This will help you stay organized, avoid cramming and keep your mind on track.

Make a plan: If you want to pass the exam, it's important that you keep track of everything from studying and reviewing material that relates directly with what was covered in class all day long until midnight or later at night (or even later).

Schedule your time: It's also helpful when scheduling how much time each topic should take so that there aren't too many distractions during breaks or after work hours when everyone else has gone home for dinner because they've been working hard all day long either way!

Use Your CMA Review Course Material

Use your CMA Review Course Material

The CMA Review Course Material is organized in a way that helps you study. The material includes many questions and answers, which you can use as practice while studying or review after the exam. The questions are also structured so you can see how well you know the concepts before taking the test.

Take Practice Exams

Take Practice Exams

When you're taking practice exams, make sure to do them at the same time that you will take the real exam. If you wait until right before your actual test and then try to cram, it's too late for most people—and even if it is possible for some people (like me), there are still better ways of approaching this situation than simply trying to memorize everything from scratch in a few weeks' time.

Use Practice Exams To Identify Areas Of Weakness

The best way to prepare for an exam is by identifying areas where you need improvement before sitting down with all your notes and materials on the day itself; this can be done through practice exams like those provided here on CMAExamPrepWire!

Don't Get Down on Yourself If You Don't Pass the First Time

If you’re like me, you may have been hoping for a perfect score on the CMA exam. That’s not going to happen—the exam is designed to test your knowledge of the broad range of topics covered in the curriculum. It will test your skills and abilities, but it won’t be easy or straightforward. The best way to approach this challenge is not getting down on yourself if you don't pass first time around!

Prepare for the Exam Day Ahead of Time

Be well rested.

Avoid drinking alcohol the night before.

Eat a good breakfast before you go to bed, but nothing too heavy or greasy.

Know where the exam is located and have your ID ready in case there's any confusion about who should be sitting for it that day (ie: whether it's open seating or not). If you're an international student, make sure that all of your paperwork is in order as well!

Take Advantage of Breaks During the Exam.

Take Advantage of Breaks During the Exam.

You should take a break every hour and a half, but don't overdo it. The last thing you want to do is fall asleep while taking the test! That's why it's important that you only take short breaks between questions so that you can stay focused on what needs to be answered next.

Don't forget about reviewing your answers after each section has been completed; this will help ensure that everything is clear in your mind as we move forward into our next topic area or question type (e.g., multiple choice).

If there are any topics or questions left unaddressed after completing all four sections, feel free ask another proctor for more time at any point during their break periods—just make sure they know why this is necessary beforehand!

Don't Leave Early If You Finish Before Time Is Up.

If you finish early, it's a good idea to go through your test and check your work. You can also review questions that you got wrong, so that you know what areas need more attention in the future.

If there is still time left on the clock when you finish, consider taking a break (or even leaving early). This will allow your brain to reset itself after having completed two hours worth of studying!

You can pass this exam if you know how to study for it.

The first step to passing the CMA Intermediate Exam is knowing what you need to study. If you're not sure, use our free CMA course material as a starting point.

The next thing is making a study schedule and sticking with it. We recommend studying one topic per day (or at least one topic per week), so if your week has five days and two topics per day, then that's two days in total for each topic! This can help keep yourself focused on learning more about everything in depth instead of just skimming over information quickly before moving onto something else.

Finally, we recommend using our review course material for review as much as possible before taking the exam—especially if there are new changes in exam preparation methods or questions that may appear on future tests!


We hope these tips have been helpful to you in your journey toward becoming a Certified Management Accountant! We know that the exam can seem overwhelming, but with some study time and practice tests under your belt, you'll be ready for whatever the CMA is throwing at you. Good luck!

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